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Top Ten Songs of 2017!

I look forward to Spotify releasing my Top Songs of 2017 playlist since November and It's FINALLY here! I'm not as shocked about my top ten as I was last year. We have a good variety of genres this year. A lot of the songs on this playlist are the ones I work out with and all songs that I still love very much. So if you're looking for some new songs to start off the new year of if you're looking for some undiscovered artists, keep scrolling and I'm sure you'll find something you like.

10. Call Me Disaster by Milestones

This was a song that was recommended to me on Spotify's Discover Weekly playlist and I L O V E this song. I think it's a but geeky and I have never heard of this band before but I think the lyrics are just so awkward in the best way possible.

Favorite Lyric: "Get yourself out of my bed She said that I was nothing but a hopeless wreck"

9. Caroline by Aminé

This song is a v i b e. It's still that song that comes on and I'm immediately into it. It's such a fun song with a good dance beat and it's just one of those songs that makes me insanely happy.

Favorite Lyric: "Caroline, listen up, don't wanna hear About ya horoscope or what the future holds"

8. Cherry by Moose Blood

I love how slow this song is and the emotion behind it. It's one of those songs you want to listen to on a hazy night curled up by a bonfire at the end of summer. This is one of the bands I want to see the most.

Favorite Lyric: "She's not mine and it fucking kills me"

7. Climb Up To My Window by Jason Lancaster

This song is a few years old. I remember I was so excited when I found out that Jason was going to continue making music after breaking my heart with Go Radio breaking up, but when this album came out, nothing jumped out at me. But, thanks to Spotify's Weekly Discover, this song came back into my life and I fell in love with it. It's such a cute song, similar to "Goodnight Moon" but isn't as soft.

Favorite Lyric: "She said, 'If you really want me, climb on up and save me Tell me all about how you've been blind'"

6. Praying by Kesha

This song reminds me of the relationship I have with my father. I remember listening to it for the first time and just crying about it. I think this is such a powerful song and it just gives you life. I'm so happy that Kesha is back and I can't wait to see everything she does now that she's free.

Favorite Lyric: "I hope your soul is changin'"

5. Fake Love by Drake

I think this is one of those songs that started off as being a joke to me and than became one of my favorite songs to jam along with. It's a great song to listen to at a bar when you're drinking and dancing with your friends.

Favorite Lyric: "I came up, you changed up I caught that whole play Since, things never been the same"

4. Light by San Holo

I don't listen to trap music regularly. I found this song because Desi Perkins used it in one of her look book videos and I fell in love. Desi has a way of finding artists that I never heard of before but I love them. This song reminds me of running in the summer.

Favorite Lyric: Even if it makes me blind I just wanna see the light

3. Diamond Girl by Set It Off

I know that Cody wrote this song for his girlfriend and I was bummed about that at first but this song is so catchy I don't care. Upside Down isn't my f a v o r i t e album of theirs but they have a couple of songs that I play over and over again. Clearly, this is one of them.

Favorite Lyric: "So lucky that we met while walkin' under ladders"

2. Better Man by Little Big Town

I recently learned that this song was actually written by Taylor Swift and maybe that's why I like it so much. It is very much reminiscent of her old stuff. I went through a bit of a thing at the end of the summer and this song helped me process my feelings and get through it.

Favorite Lyric: "I wonder what we would’ve become If you were a better man"

1. Caught In The Storm by Our Last Night

I'm not surprised that this is my number one song of 2017 because it's great regardless of what occasion it's a great song to play. Working out, driving, at a party, anywhere. I just think the song flows so well. It swells at all the right places and the lyrics are so great to scream aloud where ever you are.

Favorite Lyric: "But if you walk through the door Our world would be just like it was before"



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_Most of the couples in this book told me they would not have met but for place

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