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2018 Resolutions

I have never been more motivated to reach my goals this year. I'm super excited to get started and make progress and even fail. I have really good feelings about 2018, maybe because I have been looking forward to it for a while now. Let's get right into it and let me share my goals with you. Please share yours with me in the comments!

1. Volunteer

I have been saying that as soon as I get my license I was going to start volunteering at least once a month. I just feel like it is my way of giving back and kind of a reward for me getting my license. I got my license in September and decided to wait until the new year to search for an organization to volunteer my time with. I'm still looking, so if you have any suggestions, please leave them down below!

2. Watch My Spending

I feel like toward the last half of the year, I kind of just spent whatever I wanted and didn't give thought to future bills or things I would want to buy later on. I'm really excited to get started with this and watch my savings grow.

3. Get A Job In My Field

I'm excited and extremely nervous about this. It's always been my greatest fear of getting stuck here in my hometown with a dead-end job. Not that I don't like my job, but it's not what I went to school for. I think I'm so scared to return because I follow and know so many people who have so much more experience and so much talent and they can't find jobs in my field, so why would I be any different? Regardless, I'm determined to try and make my mark in my own way.

4. Reach 500 Followers On My Blog and Buy A Domain

I don't value my worth by how many followers or likes that I have. I wouldn't care if I had one or 1,000 followers but every time I see my blog grow, I get so proud and feel so accomplished and makes me know that I'm not alone. Since the beginning, I have always said that at 500 I would buy a domain. I think that it might happen this year! It would be so exciting and a big milestone for me. I also want to just take my blog more seriously in general.

5. Live Videos/Videos

I want to become more comfortable in front of the camera and so I would like to go a live video at least once a week. I don't really film that much because I don't have the space to do it but I am trying to let that notion that everything has to be perfect go and just do it. I also want to take better photos!

6. Self-Care Sundays

Sundays have always been a relaxing day for me. This year I want to make it more about me and take baths every Sunday and do sheet masks. It's a small thing, but I always feel like I don't have the time to do it. But I can take 30 minutes out of my Sundays to just focus on me.

7. Plan More

I love planners. LOVE THEM. And I feel like I got so overwhelmed last year by how M A N Y planners that I had that I didn't really use them. This year I have determined to use them more because it makes me feel better knowing that I have a plan in place. I'm also starting bullet journal this year which I'm excited to try. Do any of you have one? Let me know how you set it up or what you put in it. Or if you have people you follow who do bullet journaling or you have a blog about bullet journal, let me know!

8. Read More Blogs

I want to discover new blogs this year. I want to become friends with people who blog and discuss blogging with people. It's super hard to do this blogging thing and not have really anyone to talk about it to who really and truly understands what it is I'm doing. Drop any recommendations below!

And that's it! Those are my resolutions for 2018. I'm excited to get to it and do the hard work. Let me know any of your resolutions below and we'll talk more about these in June for my update!



The Widow by Fiona Barton is comes out today! Make sure to pick up a copy and check out my review on

The Widow by Fiona Barton is comes out today! Make sure to pick up a copy and check out my review on

_It gave me a sharp kind of sadness to think that no matter how much I loved him and tried to put hi

_It gave me a sharp kind of sadness to think that no matter how much I loved him and tried to put hi

_So why is it so difficult for me to forgive myself__ Read my full review, my thoughts on the movie,

_So why is it so difficult for me to forgive myself__ Read my full review, my thoughts on the movie,

_Life is long. Just because you don't get your chance right when you want or expect it doesn't mean

_Life is long. Just because you don't get your chance right when you want or expect it doesn't mean



_But what is love_ Is it giving up control__ #books #girlswhoread #bookworm

_But what is love_ Is it giving up control__ #books #girlswhoread #bookworm

_Beginnings are tricky things. I've been staring at this blank page for 47 minutes. It is infinite w

_Beginnings are tricky things. I've been staring at this blank page for 47 minutes. It is infinite w

_Define happiness._ _Peace, calm. Something like that._ _Didn't you always hope it would be somethin

_Define happiness._ _Peace, calm. Something like that._ _Didn't you always hope it would be somethin

_I was drowning

_I was drowning

_Out of nowhere you said, I love you. For whatever it's worth

_Out of nowhere you said, I love you. For whatever it's worth

_I don't think I'd want it; it's a lot of responsibility to hold a person's heart in your hands

_I don't think I'd want it; it's a lot of responsibility to hold a person's heart in your hands

_Focus on the positive things in your life and you'll be shocked at how many more positive things st

_Focus on the positive things in your life and you'll be shocked at how many more positive things st

Well, what is this_ What am I coming to_ And beyond that, what am I gonna do_ Now there's blankness

Well, what is this_ What am I coming to_ And beyond that, what am I gonna do_ Now there's blankness

_I'd been running for years_ there was nothing scarier, to me, than to just be still with someone

_I'd been running for years_ there was nothing scarier, to me, than to just be still with someone

_Here was a house; bones of beam and joints of hardware, stone foundation smooth, solid as the core

_Here was a house; bones of beam and joints of hardware, stone foundation smooth, solid as the core

_She'll never wear make up on a date. Naturally, her inner beauty needs no artifice

_She'll never wear make up on a date. Naturally, her inner beauty needs no artifice

_When you squeeze an orange, what do you get_ You get orange juice.jpg You don't get grapefruit juic

_When you squeeze an orange, what do you get_ You get orange juice.jpg You don't get grapefruit juic

_Sometimes you have to be apart from the people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any le

_Sometimes you have to be apart from the people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any le

_How do you know when a guy is the right guy_ How can you be sure enough to promise someone forever

_How do you know when a guy is the right guy_ How can you be sure enough to promise someone forever

_But sometimes love isn't enough

_But sometimes love isn't enough

_Most of the couples in this book told me they would not have met but for place

_Most of the couples in this book told me they would not have met but for place

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