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OPI's I'm Gown For Anything

What a perfect shade for Easter! Yes, Easter! It's coming up a lot sooner than you think! I'm thinking about wearing it to brunch with my family! This is also another great shade to wear if you have a spring wedding, graduation, christening, or party to attend!

This pretty pastel lavender shade is just so soft and creamy. I want to wear an outfit this entire color. It's so weird because it's a pastel shade but it feels really cool. Like an "I'm cool without even trying" vibe. This is great for brunch, work, or just lounging around.

This shade would look so beautiful on any skin tones. I think most pastel shades look great on everyone. But lavender looks really pretty without being too much.

This shade just screams spring to me which is so upsetting to me. As I'm writing this, I'm waiting for the next snow storm to hit us and spring is only eight days away! As much as I love snow, I just want to not wear a jacket for one day!

Anyway, this shade is an oldie, but you can still get it at Walmart for only $8.90! Pick it up if you're more than ready for spring!

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