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Summer & Rose Rocky Palm Print Towel

This was one of the products I actually got to choose for my FabFitFun box! I choose this towel because I really loved the colors in this print. It would go with anything since it has so many colors in it and it went with my style more.

So far, I've used this towel every time I've been to the beach, AKA a lot. I was skeptical of its claims that sand wouldn't stick to it, but I found that to be true! Sand doesn't stick to the towel! I had no idea that a microfiber towel was the answer to all my beach problems!

The towel is a lot thinner than I usually like my beach towels and I do find that it gets su[er damp rather quickly. It's a blessing and a curse since it dries quickly since it's thin. This towel is super soft and feels luxurious. I've gotten a lot of compliments from my friends about the print too!

This towel is expensive at $55. Frankly, I would never pay that much for a towel. I really enjoy my towel and I will keep using it, but I'm not going to go out an get another one at that price. If you are interested, they also have other prints available.

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