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Essie's S'il Vous Play

I've been super stressed out lately and my nails have paid the price for it. That's why they look a mess and are super short. The great thing about foiled nail polish is that it looks great regardless of how long your nails are.

This lavender and pink shade might not be your first choice for the holidays, but I think it adds the perfect amount of sparkle to your look! If you don't really like to wear glittery clothes but want to stand out a little bit, this is the shade for you!

Most glitter shades, you have to add layer upon layer to get coverage. That is not the case with this shade! You can get away with one coat if you're in a rush with all the holiday bustle. I did my usual two coats and I think they look really good.

I think since it's that time of the year, you can get away with wearing this to work party or any family event. This is going to look more silver in some lighting since it's very cool toned. It's really hard to find in the United States since it's from an old collection, but you can find it easily in Canada still! It's actually on clearance at Target for $4.48. That's a really good deal because you can wear this shade when it gets warmer out too!

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